Sunday, 17 March 2013

Imagine Dragons

IMAGINE DRAGONS IS MY FAVOURITEST BAND, EVER. I could blast them on trains, while studying and in bed repeatedly for weeks without getting sick of them. They're that perfect band to me that makes me want to go out there and do something with my life and be a part of their band or have the lead singer's voice, even if it means I have to live the rest of my life with a guy's voice, just to belt out lyrics at every chance possible. (Or maybe not.)

 photo ImagineDragons_zpsfe455fad.jpg

Here is a list of my favourite songs by them:

▶ All Eyes
▶ Selene
▶ It's Time
▶ Amsterdam
▶ America
▶ Radioactive
▶ Demons

I was so sad that I was in San Francisco while they were performing at their hometown, Las Vegas. So close, but so far away. I wanted to so badly catch the next flight there. I'm glad that they're beginning to get more recognition, but at the same time, I get kind of possessive when something I consider special or cool becomes popular. They deserve it though. I once read someone's comment about Imagine Dragon that said, "They look like hobos." Then someone replied, "Only the best musicians are."

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