Formal was pretty much everything I could ask for, except the food was pretty bad. If there was a dog under the table I'd happily scrape it all on the floor.
Everyone looked so different and lovely on the night. Made me feel underdressed because of the unfortunate series of events that happened to me while getting ready for formal, which stresses me out thinking about it, even though it's already happened already and everything turned out okay. To name a couple, I dropped my last pair of contacts down the sink and my formal dress still had that black tag thing on it and a whole bunch of deadly looking tools were used in an attempt to get it off. Why is my life always so dramatic before important events of my life? A confetti of bad luck is always thrown at me.
I must've brought my bad luck along with me when Jordano, Fiona, Quan and I kind of got lost on our way to formal. It was stressful, but at the same time I couldn't help thinking throughout the ride, "OMG THIS IS SO LIKE ONE OF THOSE MOVIES WHERE YOU ROCK UP TO FORMAL IN A (NON) LIMO WITH YOUR FRIENDS OMG I'M ACTUALLY GOING FORMAL AND I'M ACTUALLY EXCITED EVEN THOUGH I HATE FANCY EVENTS AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON WOW GUYS I'M GROWING UP FAST IT FEELS LIKE AN ETERNITY JUST PASSED DID I REALLY JUST GRADUATE A FEW HOURS AGO?"
The night consisted of awkwardly being dragged off to dance, and by dancing I mean jumping up and down on the spot, taking photos with as much people as I could and watching half the grade go wild when Find Yourself by John O'Callaghan was blasted. It was one crazy night with so many mixed feelings.
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