Thursday, 27 September 2012


I am currently at my uni's library laughing at the things people come up with on Tumblr to the point where it looks like I'm crying. (I can sense the judging eyes of my friend.) My favourite one so far - "Me when I lend a book to someone: Bend the spine and I'll bend your spine." Most accurate description of me, ever. I'm supposed to be studying for my mid sem exam during this one week "break" but you know, when does that ever really happen?

The past week has been full of nostalgia for high school. It's been a year since graduation already. It's weird. I don't fully feel like I'm a uni student so it feels like I'm stuck somewhere between the high school and uni stage refusing to believe that I'm really growing up. I went to my sister's graduation and for a few moments, I felt like I was almost back at high school watching other people graduate in the hall.

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Then the day after, I finally caught up with everyone in the group again at Green Peppercorn. I felt like I had been MIA from everyone's lives and at the time it felt like forever since I've seen them but when I saw them all again for dinner, it didn't feel that long and I suddenly didn't miss them.

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Then the day after that, I saw a few of the original people from the random group after nearly a year. I didn't feel the same vibe I did with them two years ago when we used to go out after school or on weekends together. There were too many other people from the grade I never got to know well and there wasn't many from the original group so I felt awkward and out of place. I guess it was fun but still a disappointment because I expected too much.

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University is so depressing in comparison to high school.

Sunday, 2 September 2012


My family and I had dinner at Criniti's, which is a South Italian cuisine restaurant. It was my second time there so maybe the amusement of eating a one metre pizza wasn't there so my tasting senses were working better this time round and made me realise that it didn't actually taste that good. Honestly, I would have preferred having Pizza Hut. The pizza was too chewy and the other dishes we ordered tasted a bit too bland to me.

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For once, no one blinked to ruin the family picture!